Joe's KC BBQ has won so many awards that it’s hard to keep track! Our smoked brisket is famous for its tender, juicy flavor and amazing smoke ring. All our brisket is prepared in our USDA sanctioned smokehouse and packaged immediately for shipping. Every package comes with reheating instructions so there’s no guesswork to preparing a great BBQ meal.
Whole Smoked Brisket Temporarily out of stock
Slaughterhouse Five $ 169.99
Contest in a Box $ 259.99
Sliced Brisket Packages from $ 45.99
Ribs & 3 Meats $ 163.99
All Beef from $ 167.99
All The Meat $ 317.99
Smoked Brisket in Bar-B-Que Sauce, 1 lb. $ 29.99
Z-Man Kit - Brisket from $ 114.99
Ribs, Brisket & Burnt Ends $ 147.99
House-made Sausage Packages from $ 34.99
Jalapeño Cheddar Sausage $ 34.99
Burnt Ends & Sausage from $ 84.99